So, as well as watching loads of house, I’ve also been productive on web stuff today. I started out by addressing the picture issue I was having last night with Nicki’s site. A suggestion came in the form of a comment from Dean on yesterday’s blog, suggesting that I should angle the picture slightly, to give it more of a “stuck-in-photo” feel. I tried that (in addition to the additional shadow top and bottom) and it really brought the thing to life. I still think it needs to be a tiny bit sharper round the edges, but that’s just me being anal.
In addition to the picture, I thought it would be kinda nice if Nicki could have a blog that is listed by her domain name. Doesn’t make any difference to the content but I just think it looks a bit more professional, so I had a look to see if I could have a blog running on the server where Nicki’s site is hosted. I had a look and as it’s windows based instead of linux that means no PHP, which means no blog. I can have a database on there, but only mysql or access, and as I can’t actually program databases that’s no use to me.
Then I remembered having seen something while going through the settings of my own blogspot blog about being able to essentially park a domain on a blog. I went and had another look and found that sure enough, you can put a domain on there. Ideal! Off I went to register a subdomain, and while I was at it, why not register for my other blog? So I did. The slight downside is that you can’t just point the A-record at the blogspot page. You park the domain on the blogspot blog and set the c-name for the domain to Not really a problem, except that the people I have my domains registered with will only allow a c-name in lieu of everything else. So you can’t have your domain pointing to a blogspot blog and still us your domain for mail. That’s a bit annoying. Easily remedied by just using a “blog.” subdomain, which is what I did, but still annoying.
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